Brighton & Hove City Council


Policy, Resources & Growth Committee


4.00pm18 July 2019


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall





Present: Councillors Platts (Chair), Yates (Deputy Chair), Mac Cafferty (Opposition Spokesperson), Bell (Group Spokesperson), Childs, Clare, Janio, Shanks, Osborne and Robins







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1Procedural Business


(a)             Declarations of Substitutes


20.1         Councillor Osborne was present in substitution for Councillor Gibson

Councillor Robins was present in substitution for Councillor Moonan


(b)             Declarations of Interest


20.2         Councillor Shanks declared a personal interest in Item 30 as she was a Governor at Homewood College.

Councillor Childs declared a personal interest in Item 34 as he held a car park permit for the Norton Road and Lanes Car Parks

Councillor Yates declared a personal interest in Item 34 as he held a car park permit for the Norton Road and Lanes Car Parks


(c)             Exclusion of Press and Public


20.3       The Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any of the items listed on the agenda.


20.4       RESOLVED: That as there were no Part Two items that the press and public not be excluded from the meeting.



21          Chair's Communications


21.1       The Chair gave the following communication:


I’d like to inform those present that this meeting will be webcast live and will be capable of repeated viewing.



22     Call Over


22.1 The following items were reserved for discussion:


Item 25         BA i360 June 2019 Payment

Item 27         Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2019/20: Month 2

Item 29          Reveune & Capital Budget Planning and Resource Update 20/21 to 2023/24

Item 30          Update on Capital Works Undertaken as Part of the SEND Review

Item 34         Review of Members Allowances


22.2      The following items on the agenda with the recommendations therein had been approved:


Item 26           Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2018/19

Item 28           Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2018/19 – End of Year Review

Item 31           Coast Protection and Highway Structures Maintenance Framework Agreement

Item 32           Procurement of a Corporate Contract for the Provision of Multifunctional Devices (MFDs)

Item 33           Greater Brighton Economic Board – Admission of New Member to the Board.





23          Public Involvement


23(a)  Petitions


23.1    There were none


23(b)  Written Questions


23.2    One question was received.


           Mr J Deans asked the following question:


I have been following the financial crisis reported on the i360, is it time to think about a rescue plan before administrators step in leaving egg on the face of the council. What is the true cost to the city in loans and any other investment in it. Is the council prepared to listen to a genuine plan.


The Chair gave the following response:


This committee has received a number of reports about the performance of the i360, including one on the agenda of this Meeting.  As has been set out in those reports, the city council is considering a number of options about how to work with the Board of the i360 to best protect its investment of public money and ensure that the attraction continues to drive visitor numbers to the city. 


In previous reports we have set clear indicators as to what we expect from the attraction, and as today’s report shows there are early signs that these are being met, but it will need an entire summer season to tell what impact that is having.  Officers will return in the Autumn with a more detailed report on how to best restructure the loan to the i360 to ensure the public purse is protected.


23.3       Mr J Deans asked the following supplementary:


There are two billion trekkies in the world, that is fans of Start Trek for those not in the know. This year Birmingham hosted a weekend of Star Trek with a sell-out exhibition, with people paying hundreds, if not thousands to walk around dressed as Klingons or Commanders. I would be happy to pursue a recovery plan for the i360 and approach contracts within Viacom purely to explore the possibilities of turning the i360 into a proper themed attraction.


The Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture gave the following response:


There’s no doubt that themed attractions are in trend and I’d be happy to speak to the i360 to see whether themed events could be a part of their attraction.


23(c)     Deputations


23.4         There were none.


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5Member Involvement


24(a)    Petitions


24.1    There were none


24(b)  Written Questions


24.2   There were none


24(c)  Letters


24.3   There were none


24(d)   Notices of Motion


24.4    Councillor Mac Cafferty presented a Notice of Motion from the Green Group, which stated: 

Committee notes the damaging impact of water privatisation on the environment and on residents’ fuel bills, and resolves to:

-  commission a report exploring the options for the City Council to apply for a water ‘self-supply’ licence from Ofwat, in order to manage its own water supply;

-  such a report will explore: potential cost benefit analysis of this approach, including a reduction in residents’ water bills and improved environmental outcomes.        


Councillor Mac Cafferty said that a number of councils already had their own licence, including Blackpool and Nottingham, and Blackpool Council had stated that they expected to save a considerable amount of money.  He said that having a ‘self-supply’ licence would allow the Council to cut out the middle man and become a purchaser in the market. This would enable the Council to have more scrutiny over the provision, be able to consider the environmental outcomes of what happens with the water, would lower water bills and give more democratic oversight to residents of the City.


24.5         RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to call for a report


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6BAi360 June 2019 Payment


25.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture which set out the steps being taken by the BA i360 to return the attraction to a financially sustainable footing, and sought agreement to a sum for the June 2019 payment towards the PWLB loan from the City Council.


25.2    The Chair noted that the Green Group had submitted an amendment and asked Councillor Shanks to introduce it.


25.3    Councillor Shanks said that whilst the report did confirm that the BA i360 would be able to cover the next PWLB loan payment, the amendment was to ensure that future payments were made. Councillor Shanks proposed the following amendment (changes in bold):


2.1 That the Committee notes the progress being made by BAi360 to return the attraction to a financially sustainable footing.


2.2 That the Committee agrees to defer up to £1.342 million of the total payment due on 30 June 2019.


2.3 That the Committee agrees not to take default action at this stage in relation to the failure to hit the financial ratios set out in the loan agreement.


2.4 That the Committee agrees to inform the Board that any future deferral requests made after December 31st 2019 should at a minimum ensure that  any interest payments  required by the Public Works Loan Board are borne by i360.


25.4    Councillor Osborne seconded the amendment.


25.5    Councillor Bell said that he welcomed the amendment but could not support the substantive recommendations. He said he was concerned that there was no representation from the BA i360 and felt that it was important that members of the committee, and the public, heard from them. The Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture said that members of the Board and the General Manager had offered to attend this meeting, but he had advised them that it wasn’t necessary. However, he could either invite them to the December meeting of the Committee or he could arrange for a separate meeting with members of this committee. The Chair agreed that they should be invited to the 5 December 2019 meeting of this committee.


25.6    Councillor Janio said that it appeared that the BAi360’s business plan was failing, and said it would be useful to see their marketing plan as without that it was difficult for the Committee to make an informed decision.


25.7    Councillor Yates said that he would support the amendment. He noted Councillor Janio’s request to see the Marketing Plan and said that he had not yet seen the original business plan. He said that Councillors had a responsibility to the residents of the city, and it was important that Board of the BA i360 understood that the Authority were beginning to lose patience. The Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture reassured members that there were specialist advisors onboard and were advising on a number of issues, including options for the future.


25.8    The Committee voted on the amendment and it was agreed.


25.9       RESOLVED: That the Committee -


1.     Noted the progress being made by BAi360 to return the attraction to a financially sustainable footing.


2.     Agreed to defer up to £1.342 million of the total payment due on 30 June 2019.


3.    Agreed not to take default action at this stage in relation to the failure to hit the financial ratios set out in the loan agreement.


4.    Agreed to inform the Board that any future deferral requests made after December 31st 2019 should at a minimum ensure that any interest payments required by the Public Works Loan Board are borne by i360.




7Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2018/19


26.1       RESOLVED: That the Committee -


1.    Noted that the provisional General Fund outturn position is an

underspend of £0.111m and that this represents an improvement in resources of £0.111m compared to the projected and planned resource position at Month 9 taken into account when setting the 2019/20 budget.


2.    Noted the provisional outturn includes an overspend of

£1.057m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.


3.    Noted the provisional outturn for the separate Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is an underspend of £1.031m.


4.    Noted the provisional outturn position for the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant, which is an underspend of £0.804m.


5.    Approved carry forward requests totalling £2.745m as detailed in Appendix 5 and included in the provisional outturn.


6.    Approved the creation of 3 earmarked reserves as set out in paragraph 6.2.


7.    Agreed to allocate £0.100m of the outturn underspend to support completion of Subject Access Requests (SARs) as set out in paragraph.


8.    Noted the provisional outturn position on the capital programme which is an underspend variance of £1.278m.


9.    Approved the capital budget variations and slippage requested in Appendix 7.



27          Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2019/20: Month 2


27.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Finance & Resources which set out early indication forecast risks as at Month 2 on the Council’s revenue and capital budgets for the financial year 2019/20.


27.2    The Chair noted that two amendments had been submitted by the Green and the Conservative Group, and asked Councillor Shanks to present the Green Group amendment.


27.3    Councillor Shanks said there was currently considerable cuts to school funding and the Green Group wanted to ensure that there wasn’t an extra burden put on schools, and whilst the half payment was welcomed it would be useful to look again to see if there were other options to find the money from somewhere else and to consult with Head Teachers to do that. Councillor Shanks formally proposed the following amendment (changes in bold):


2.1       That the Committee note the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a budget pressure of £3.427m. This includes an overspend of £0.099m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.


2.2      That the Committee note that the one-off financial risk safety net of £1.065m is available to mitigate the forecast risk if the risks cannot be completely eliminated by year-end.


2.3      That the Committee note the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an underspend of £0.320m.


2.4      That the Committee note the forecast risk position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an overspend of £0.102m.


2.5      That the Committee note the forecast outturn position on the capital programme and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 5 and the new schemes as set out in Appendix 6.


2.6       That the Committee agrees the proposed funding of Schools and Non-Schools Term Time Only back pay as set out in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5.


2.7      That the Committee notes the proposed funding of Schools Term Time Only back pay as set out in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5.


2.8      That the Committee agrees to explore further options for the proposed funding of Schools and Non-Schools Term Time Only back pay and asks for it to be considered by the Schools Forum.


27.4       Councillor Osborne seconded the amendment.


27.5    The Chair asked Councillor Bell to present the Conservative Group amendment.


27.6    Councillor Bell said that his group had met with Head Teachers in the city and they were concerned that they should not be burdened with a potential extra cost against them of £1.7m, as that money would impact on the education of children in the city and offering them 50% and expecting them to fund the rest of it was unacceptable. The Council should be looking to offset some of the money from the Waste PFI reserve. Councillor Bell formally proposed the following amendment (changes in bold):


2.1       That the Committee note the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a budget pressure of £3.427m. This includes an overspend of £0.099m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.


2.2      That the Committee note that the one-off financial risk safety net of £1.065m is available to mitigate the forecast risk if the risks cannot be completely eliminated by year-end.


2.3      That the Committee note the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an underspend of £0.320m.


2.4      That the Committee note the forecast risk position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an overspend of £0.102m.


2.5      That the Committee note the forecast outturn position on the capital programme and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 5 and the new schemes as set out in Appendix 6.


2.6      That the Committee agree the estimated proposed funding of Schools and Non-Schools Term Time Only back pay liability of £4.154m as set out in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5.  be funded from the council’s General Fund utilising cash balances relating to the earmarked Waste PFI reserve.


2.7       That the Committee agree to increase the contribution from the General Fund revenue budget (set out in paragraph 6.4) from £296,800 to £485,400 per annum for 10 years.


27.7    Councillor Janio seconded the amendment.


27.8    Councillor Childs said that all Councillors were concerned with the situation schools found themselves in, and the Council had sought to alleviate the immediate costs to schools and recognised the severe funding crisis schools were in. He said that the money had to come from somewhere and thought that the recommendations in the report were correct. He suggested that a joint letter from all parties be sent to the Secretary of State to ask if there could be a possible one-off grant funding.


27.9    Councillor Mac Cafferty asked for confirmation that one-off resources were not being used to inflate the base budget. The Deputy Chief Finance Officer said that in this case the intention was to use Waste PFI reserves, which were one off resources committed against the PFI contract. Those reserves were not needed right now, and so they could be used to help schools and the General Fund to spread the cost over ten years but would need to be replenished.


27.10  The Chair said that at a recent Leaders Group meeting (attended by the leaders of the three political parties), she understood that there had been an agreement to look at a 50/50 split between the Council and Schools and that they would ask the Government for funding and was therefore surprised at the comments made today. 


27.11 The Monitoring Officer noted the Green Group amendment and said that if it were agreed and the matter referred to the Schools Forum, if any changes were suggested by them it would need to come back to this committee.


27.12 The Committee voted on the Green Group amendment and it was agreed. The Committee then voted on the Conservative Group amendment and it was not agreed. The Committee then voted on the recommendations as amended and they were agreed.


27.13    RESOLVED: That the Committee -


1.    Noted the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a budget pressure of £3.427m. This includes an overspend of £0.099m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.


2.    Noted that the one-off financial risk safety net of £1.065m is available to mitigate the forecast risk if the risks cannot be completely eliminated by year-end.


3.    Noted the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an underspend of £0.320m.


4.    Noted the forecast risk position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an overspend of £0.102m.


5.    Noted the forecast outturn position on the capital programme and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 5 and the new schemes as set out in Appendix 6.


6.    Agreed the proposed funding of Non-Schools Term Time Only back pay as set out in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5.


7.    Noted the proposed funding of Schools Term Time Only back pay as set out in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5.


8.    Agreed to explore further options for the proposed funding of Schools back pay and asks for it to be considered by the Schools Forum.



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9Treasury Management STrategy Statement 2018/19 - End of Year Review


28.1       RESOLVED: That the Committee –


1.    Noted the key actions taken during the second half of 2018/19 to meet the TMSS and practices (including the investment strategy) as set out in this report.


2.    Noted the reported compliance with the AIS for the six month period

up to the end of March 2019.


3.    Noted that the approved maximum indicator for investment risk of

0.05% has been adhered to and the authorised borrowing limit and operational boundary have not been exceeded.


4.   Noted the offer of training for committee members in order to support strong democratic oversight over the performance of the council’s treasury management function.


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10Revenue & Capital Budget Planning and Resource Update 2020/21 to 2023/24


29.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Finance & Resources which provided a budget planning and resource update for the 2020/21 annual budget process together with an updated Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) covering the period 2010/21 to 2023/24, based on latest information and resource projects.


29.2  The Chair noted that the Green Group had submitted an amendment and asked Councillor Mac Cafferty to present it.


29.3  Councillor Mac Cafferty said that there should be a consultation on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTR) to look at how people on low incomes could be supported. He noted that recent figures showed that 68% of people living in the city were on Universal Credit. The amendment proposed that CTR scheme be reviewed and that be backed up with a discussion on promoting the Discretionary Fund. Councillor Mac Cafferty proposed the following amendment (changes in bold):


            2.1           Note the resource and net expenditure projections for 2020/21 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) projections set out in the body of the report and Appendices 1, 2 and 3 based on a 1.99% Council Tax increase.


2.2           Note the predicted budget gaps for 2020/21 to 2023/24 to be adopted for budget setting purposes as detailed at paragraph 4.20.


2.3           Instruct the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to develop 4-Year Budget Plans including investment and savings proposals to address the predicted budget gaps for the period 2020/21 to 2023/24 based on the assumptions in this report, and for consideration by Policy, Resources & Growth Committee.


2.4 Agree to explore options for the proposed approach to reviewing the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTR). as set out in Appendix 2;
This could include:

- full subsidy of the scheme, or other amendments to alleviate the strain on the city’s poorest households;

 -with details on the financial implications and necessary community consultation resulting from any change brought to a future committee.


2.5 Note the resource projections for the 5-Year Capital Investment Programme as shown in Appendix 4.

2.6 Given the reduction in number of CTR scheme claimants (detailed in 1.19) that Committee agrees to sufficiently promote the CTR consultation and discretionary fund with partners, with a future report to be provided to this committee on the improved promotion work done.


29.4    Councillor Osborne formally seconded the amendment.


29.5    Councillor Mac Cafferty referred to Appendix 5 to the report and asked what the ‘Insurance Fund’ covered. The Deputy Chief Finance Officer said he didn’t have the full list, but the Council did have a range of insurance policies covering things such as employer liability, vehicles, fire risk etc. The Council also decided what excess to have and so there was some residual insurance risk it needed to cover itself, and there were also some buildings which it couldn’t buy cover for or were too expensive to do so and so the Council would self-insure some risks. To determine the level of cover the Council used a professional actuary service to advise on the insurance. Councillor Mac Cafferty referred to ‘Carry Forwards’ and was concerned that sums could be carried over for a number of years and then the reasons for using the money changed over time. He was advised that each year there would be a ‘Carry Forward’ figure which was part of the TBM provisional outturn report which would be different each year. It was a number of grant funded or project spend items where the item wasn’t completed by the end of the year and therefore the funding for it rolled forward to the next year.


29.6    Councillor Yates referred to the Green Group amendment and said that this was the right time to do it and so the Labour Group would be supporting it.


29.7    The Committee voted on the amendment and it was agreed.


29.8       RESOLVED: That the Committee -


1.    Noted the resource and net expenditure projections for 2020/21 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) projections set out in the body of the report and Appendices 1, 2 and 3 based on a 1.99% Council Tax increase.


2.    Noted the predicted budget gaps for 2020/21 to 2023/24 to be adopted for budget setting purposes as detailed at paragraph 4.20.


3.    Instructed the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to develop 4-Year Budget Plans including investment and savings proposals to address the predicted budget gaps for the period 2020/21 to 2023/24 based on the assumptions in this report, and for consideration by Policy, Resources & Growth Committee.


4.    Agreed to explore options for reviewing the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTR). This could include:
    (i) full subsidy of the scheme, or other amendments to alleviate    the   strain on the city’s poorest households;
    (ii) with details on the financial implications and necessary community consultation resulting from any change brought to a future committee.


5.    Noted the resource projections for the 5-Year Capital Investment Programme as shown in Appendix 4.


6.    Given the reduction in number of CTR scheme claimants (detailed in 1.19) that Committee agreed to sufficiently promote the CTR consultation and discretionary fund with partners, with a future report to be provided to this committee on the improved promotion work done



30          Update on the capital works undertaken as part of the SEND Review


30.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Families    Children and Learning which provided an update on progress made in determining the broad strategy and plan for the Central SEND Hub, informed the Committee on the pricing exercise for the Downsview and Hill Park projects and requested approval to increase the budget for the Downsview and Hill Park projects from £8m to £9.4m.


30.2  Councillor Clare referred to the consultation on the Central Hub and asked when the consultation would start and what would happen if the consultation recommended that it stayed at Homewood College. The Executive Director Families Children and Learning said that the consultation would be held in early September 2019. The consultation would be looking at a number of potential options and reminded the Committee that Hub wasn’t just Homewood, but was also the Pupil Referral Units too. If the outcome of the consultation was to remain at Homewood it is likely that that would be respected, but there would be consultations about other sites too. The £4m of capital money was a very broad estimate, and it may or may not be necessary to go to a future meeting of this Committee or Children Young People & Skills Committee to seek an amendment to that figure were necessary.


30.3       RESOLVED: That the Committee –


1.    Noted the progress on work associated with the Central Hub.


2.    Agreed the increased budget allocation for the Downsview and Hill

Park projects.


3.    Granted delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property &

Design to procure the capital projects and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the Downsview and Hill Park projects.



31          Coast Protection and Highway structures maintenance framework agreement


31.1       RESOLVED: That the Committee -


1.    Approved the procurement of a new framework agreement for structural maintenance works to coast defences and highway structures with a term of four years and provision for an extension of the term by up to a further two years;


2.    Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Economy,

Environment & Culture to:

(i) Carry out the procurement and award of the framework   agreement referred to in 2.1.1

(ii) Enter into call-off contracts under the framework agreement

referred to in 2.1.1

(iii) Grant an extension of the term of the framework agreement for a period of up to two years, subject to satisfactory performance by the successful contractor



32          Procurement of a Corporate Contract for the Provision of Multifunctional Devices (MFDs)


32.1       RESOLVED: That the Committee –


1.    Approved the procurement of a Corporate Contract for the leasing, supply and maintenance of MFD equipment through a compliant central purchasing body framework agreement.


2.    Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Finance and Resources to award a contract for the supply and maintenance of MFD equipment for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend for two further periods of 12 months.


3.    Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Finance and Resources to enter into a lease agreement for the leasing of MFD equipment for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend for two further periods of 12 months.



33          Greater Brighton Economic Board – Admission of New Member to the Board


33.1       RESOLVED: That the Committee –


1.    Recommended to Full Council on 25 July 2019 that Arun District Council joins the Greater Brighton Economic Joint Committee, subject to formal agreement of Arun District Council.


2.    Recommends to Full Council that it agrees to the other changes within the Greater Brighton Economic Board Heads of Terms as detailed in paragraph 3.9.


3.    Noted that these changes to the membership and Heads of Terms are dependent on the decision of Full Council, all the local authorities represented on the Joint Committee agreeing that the new members be appointed, and the Board taking a formal decision that the new members are appointed.


4.    Recommends to Full Council that it agrees to amend the Board’s Heads of Terms and that it instructs the Monitoring Officer to amend the Council’s constitution to reflect these amendments once they have been formally approved by all the constituent authorities and the Greater Brighton Economic Board.



34          Review of Members Allowances


34.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Lead Strategy & Governance which set out the recommendations of the Independent remuneration Panel, following its review of the decision taken at the Budget Council meeting to ‘Remove the subsidy to Councillor’s parking at car parks at Norton Road, Hove and The Lanes, Brighton, releasing £0.038m in recurrent funding’.


34.2    The Chair noted that an amendment had been submitted by the Green Group, and asked Councillor Clare to introduce it.


34.3    Councillor Clare said that the Green Group agreed with most of the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP), however the amendment to require councillors to pay for car park passes was being proposed as a way to encourage sustainable travel and a way to set at good example to residents of the City. Councillor Clare proposed the following amendment (changes in bold):


2.1 That the Members Allowances Scheme be amended to require councillors to fully self-fund a car park pass for Norton Road and the Lanes car parks


2.2 That the car park permit issued to councillors for Norton Road should be for Mondays–Fridays only, and


2.3 That the intention of the Independent Remuneration Panel to undertake a review on the establishment of maternity/paternity/adoption leave policy for councillors (in so far as it relates to allowances) and to report back in the autumn be noted.


34.4    Councillor Osborne seconded the amendment and said that the priority should be the climate emergency and people should pay for the privilege of using a car.


34.5    The Chair noted that the Conservative Group had also submitted an amendment and asked Councillor Bell to introduce it.


34.6    Councillor Bell said he supported most of the IRP’s recommendations but there was an equalities issue as bus passes could be used seven days a week, but car park passes could only be used on week days. Councillor Bell proposed the following amendment (changes in bold):



2.1      That the Members Allowances Scheme be amended to provide that for those

councillors opting to take a car park pass for Norton Road and the Lanes car parks, a monthly contribution equivalent to that applied for councillors taking a bus pass (currently £23.09 for 2019/20), be deducted from their monthly Basic Allowance payment;


2.2      That the car park permits issued to councillors for Norton Road and the Lanes car parks should be valid for seven days a week so as, to be in line with bus passes which are for 7 days of the week


2.3      That the intention of the Independent Remuneration Panel to undertake a review on the establishment of maternity/paternity/adoption leave policy for councillors (in so far as it relates to allowances) and to report back in the autumn be noted.


34.7    Councillor Janio seconded the amendment and said that some members needed to use their cars for safety reasons, and it was important to encourage people to be councillors and the amendment would do that.


34.8    Councillor Shanks said that we lived in a city with a great bus service, and therefore needed to encourage people to use alternatives to the car.


34.9    The Monitoring Officer said that if the Green Group amendment were carried, it would be necessary to consult on how that payment would be made.


34.10  The Committee voted on the Green Group amendment, and it was not agreed.


34.11  The Committee voted on the Conservative Group amendment, and it was not agreed.


34.12    RESOLVED: The Committee recommend to Council -


1.    That the Members Allowances Scheme be amended to provide that for those councillors opting to take a car park pass for Norton Road and the Lanes car parks, a monthly contribution equivalent to that applied for councillors taking a bus pass (currently £23.09 for 2019/20), be deducted from their monthly Basic Allowance payment;


2.    That the car park permit issued to councillors for Norton Road should be for Mondays – Fridays only;


3.    That the intention of the Independent Remuneration Panel to undertake a review on the establishment of maternity/paternity/adoption leave policy for councillors (in so far as it relates to allowances) and to report back in the autumn be noted.












35          Items Referred For Council


35.1    RESOLVED: That no items be referred to 25 July 2019 Council meeting for information.






The meeting concluded at 5.40pm











Dated this

day of